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Our company attend Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Oil&Gas Exhibition(OGA) in 2024
AddTime:2024-10-8 15:47:04  Author:  From:  Hits:131

On Sep.25-27th 2024, Shandong Deshunyuan Sci &Tech Co.,Ltd attended OGA exhibition(Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Oil&Gas Exhibition).

During the exhibition, the company conducted in-depth communication with new and old customers, introducing the company's research and development and production capacity, as well as the fruitful results achieved in the research of new products and new technologies of drilling fluids in recent years. Customers have given high recognition to our products, research and development and production capabilities, and have shown a strong interest in our featured products.

Through this exhibition, our company reached an initial cooperation intention with a lot of overseas customers, and established a deeper connection with customers, and also promoted the brand and strength of Shandong Deshunyuan(DSY) and achieved good exhibition results.

Provide the highest quality products and services to customers worldwide
Committed to becoming an international first-class oilfield chemical supplier
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