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Deshunyuan Company Held the 2020 Annual Work Report Meeting of Middle-level Managers
AddTime:2021-1-18 10:20:32  Author:管理員  From:本站  Hits:2532

On January 16, 2021, the Deshunyuan company held the 2020 annual work report meeting for middle-level managers in the office building, attending by the leaders, middle-level managers and employee representatives.

At the meeting, the middle-level managers of all departments reported on their personal work in 2020, the existing problems and the work plan in 2021. Wang Shuyong, general manager of the company, listened to the report carefully and commented on the staff one by one. After the report, the participants scored the presenter.

In the end, general manager Wang Shuyong made a concluding speech, and analyzed in depth the severe situation that the company will face in 2021, the existing problems and the direction that we should strive for in the next step, so as to encourage everyone to innovate and make great achievements in the new year.

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