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Safety Training has been Launched to Improve Safety Awareness of All Employees
AddTime:2020-4-30 13:57:24  Author:管理員  From:本站  Hits:1858

In order to improve the safety awareness, operation skills and production knowledge, master the safety production regulations and procedures to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, the safety and environment department of Zhanhua branch taking the lead while the production and operation department & the equipment department responsible for organizing and implementing, the safety rotation training for all employees was launched in the afternoon of April 13,2020.

The training was held in the conference room of the branch company. In order to ensure the training effect, the lecturers carefully prepared relevant lesson plans with rich training contents and strong pertinence. They systematically taught the knowledge in production and safety management concepts, introducing relevant laws and regulations and job skills, combining with accident cases in the chemical industry while analyzing the causes of accidents for employees in order to inculcate everyone to prevent accidents before they happen, and strengthen the awareness of accident prevention and the ability of emergency response.  All the employees listened with an open mind, attentively watched and carefully recorded, and received tangible results.

This safety training adopted learning methods such as watching accident case videos and explaining PPT slides on safety handouts, which stimulated the enthusiasm of all employees in learning and participating.


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