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Zhongshen (Shenzhen) Certification Co., Ltd. conducts second-stage certification audit of DSY's intellectual property management system
AddTime:2019-8-14 10:34:40  Author:管理員  From:本站  Hits:2293

On August 12, 2019, 3 auditors from Zhongshen (Shenzhen) Certification Co., Ltd. conducted second-stage certification audit on DSY’s intellectual property management system to evaluate the conformity and effectiveness.

At 8:30 a.m., the first meeting was held in the conference room of the DSY's office building. At the meeting, the company leaders warmly welcomed the arrival of the auditors and asked all departments to actively cooperate with the auditing, and hoped that the auditors could strictly inspect in accordance with the GB/29490-2013 standard to play a positive role in promoting the standardization and healthy development of DSY's intellectual property management.

After first meeting, the auditors conducted a detailed review of all departments’ documents in accordance with the auditing plan strictly, and held the final meeting at 16:00 p.m.

After one-day audit, the auditors fully affirmed the operation of the company's intellectual property management system, affirmed the conformity and effectiveness of the system, and gave the conclusion of "recommendation certification".

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