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Our Company Held Research Project Concluding Meeting
AddTime:2019-5-31 14:02:14  Author:  From:  Hits:2167


The company researchers held the developed meeting in the morning of March 26th, Our general manager Mr.Wang and chief engineer professor Gao Jinping attended the meeting. The meeting chaired by Lv Benzheng, the deputy director of the Research Institute , the main content of the conference: to report and review the two  concluding projects , and discussed the next research direction.
The two concluding projects: "drilling fluid with high temperature resistance of modified starch Dual Red" and "high softening point of cationic emulsified asphalt YRL". Our researchers made a detailed report on the progress and achievements with a large number of experimental data. Company leaders listened to the report, and gave researchers relevant guidance in the light of some problems existing in the report,  researchers clarified the key points of the research.
Subsequently, the participants discussed research and development direction on new products and new technology, summed up the further research topic. Our general manager MR.Wang stressed that researchers must broaden the development ideas, to know more about the situation at home and abroad and the necessity of each technology, to search new research methods and new ideas from the professional literature. The meeting has the important guiding significance in clarifying our company’s science and technology projects of the year 2014 , promoting the company technology development and improving the competitiveness of new products.
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